Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Additives To Avoid

Additives are substances added to processed foods. These additives range from vitamins and minerals to fortify food, preservatives that prolong the shelf life of the food, sugar and natural/artificial flavorings, and dyes to make food look more appealing.

Additives in the form of vitamins and minerals can be good for you. It's other additives, especially the ones that are hard to pronounce, that you should question the safety of before putting them into your body.

Some additives are cancer causing such as nitrates, nitrites, food colorings and others cause allergic reactions or adverse effects such as monosodium glutamate - MSG.

Foods that contain a long list of additives should raise a red flag. You are better off selecting food items that contain fewer additives to prevent health risk.

Below is a list of sweeteners, preservatives, and colorings that are strongly suspected of causing cancer. Avoid them!

  • sodium nitrate (found in processed meats)
  • sodium nitrite (found in processed meats)
  • blue #1
  • blue #2
  • blue #3
  • green #3
  • red #3
  • yellow #6
  • saccharine (sweetener)
  • acesulfame K (sweetener)
  • acesulfame potassium (sweetener)
  • potassium bromate (usually found in white flour)


Cheryl Finley said...

Thank you for the most generous offerings here. My hypothyroidism had gone untreated/undiagnosed for 5-6 years; that ended this July. That, combined w/food alergies, I am now on the hunt for a way to gather my energy and focus so I can approach this creatively, like you've done w/your great recipes, etc. So thank you so much!

Re: food additivies, I whole-heartedly agree, and I've been diligent to do the same for supplements; only taking "whole food" supplements vs. synthtetics made in a lab, which also have additives/excipients i.e. magnesium stearate, etc. I've not been able to find an additive free Selenium. Have you? If so, please let me/us know. Thank you!

Cheryl Finley said...

Thank you for the most generous offerings here. My hypothyroidism had gone untreated/undiagnosed for 5-6 years; that ended this July. That, combined w/food alergies, I am now on the hunt for a way to gather my energy and focus so I can approach this creatively, like you've done w/your great recipes, etc. So thank you so much!

Re: food additivies, I whole-heartedly agree, and I've been diligent to do the same for supplements; only taking "whole food" supplements vs. synthtetics made in a lab, which also have additives/excipients i.e. magnesium stearate, etc. I've not been able to find an additive free Selenium. Have you? If so, please let me/us know. Thank you!

Cheryl Finley said...

Hello again. I wanted to share with you an article the comprehensively teaches us about the harmful effects of excipients in supplements; and how/why our cells do not resonate with manufactured/synthetic supplements.

http://www.thesynergycompany.com/vitamins_article6.html - Mitchell May's story is an incredible one

This is why I was asking about the pure selenium

Wendizzle said...

Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing! I loved the link you provided - great information!

I applaud you for taking the time to research the health/allergy issues that you have, rather than succumbing to ignorance. I feel that it is such a blessing to be able to educate yourself and help others along the way.

Just like you, I always try to steer to "whole food" supplements; I know that my body appreciates it too. With how processed our world has become, I want to make sure I keep my loved ones as well as myself, as far away from it as I can.

As for the the Selenium, there is a company called Lifestream that I believe provides organic, additive free supplements. Check out the link below to see if this is what you may be looking for.

I wish you a life of good health!